preschool VBSCelebrate Kids

Monday, June 27th–Thursday, June 30th, 2016
2000 Building (2000)

Vacation Bible School for children ages 3-entering Kinder. VBS will be from 9-12 Monday through Thursday in the New Children's Center (building 2000) at Twin Lakes Church

Cost is $45 for the week

We will be using the music room, art room, both kindergarten rooms and the multipurpose room

Please put 4 long tables in the music room

please put 2 long tables in the multipurpose room

pleases put 6 long tables in the hallway near the art room

please put 1 long table in the art room 

please put 1 long table outside the building for check in

please move the 3 blue kid tables that are leaning on the wall in 101 to the music room

please move 22 kid chairs that are in closets in 101 and 102 to the music room

thanks so much!