12 Step Recovery GroupAdult Ministries

Thursday, March 31st, 2011
Modular 8132 (Rm 8132)
Modular 8142 (Rm 8142)

Our 12-step recovery meetings are a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other, in hopes that, with God's help, we may solve our common problem and help each other to recover from our addictions and compulsive behaviors. The only requirement for attending is a desire to stop our self-destructive patterns.

  • 12-Step Groups: Codependent, chemically and other recovery issues for men and women. For more information, contact Lee Jilka at lee@tlc.org or 831-465-3313.
    • Monday Nights: Radical honesty. Meets weekly, year-round at 7:30pm in Rms 707 & 708.
    • Thursday Nights: Group meets together for first half hour, then separates into a men's group and a women's group. Meets weekly, from January through the Thursday before Thanksgiving at 7-9pm, Rms 832 & 842.