Sermons by Rene Schlaepfer

Rene Schlaepfer · March 4, 2012
What are your relationships like? For most people, there's a complicated answer. Wives and husbands, parents and children, bosses and employees -- there are power struggles, issues of respect, expectations, and lots of room for drama! How can the grace that God has demonstrated towards you be lived out in your earthly relationships? Is it possible to live like Jesus, showing people the kind of love He already has for you?
Rene Schlaepfer · February 26, 2012
Bad habits. Addictions. Chronic behavior issues. Are you battling any of these? It's easy to fall into negative patterns in our lives. Sometimes it seems there can't be a way out! But God is in the business of restoration, and there IS an escape hatch waiting for you. How can you be set free from the things you struggle with the most? And how can you begin to focus on "do" rather than "don't"?
Rene Schlaepfer · February 19, 2012
Christianity is simple: God is good and loves you, but because of your sin you've been separated. Through Jesus, that rift is repaired. That's it! But for some reason, people can complicate it. Rules, conditions, new interpretations, measurements of how we're doing -- all these obscure the heart of our faith, which is God's grace. How can you rediscover the essence of Christianity, and be set free from burdensome legalism?
Rene Schlaepfer · February 12, 2012
Who is Jesus to you? An admirable philosopher? An interesting literary figure? Not everyone believes Jesus is who he says he is. But for those who regard him as the Lord, that means he deserves all of our attention! Is there something in your life that has distracted you from the power of Jesus Christ?
Rene Schlaepfer · February 5, 2012
There are a lot of belief systems in the world -- perhaps as many as there are people! Most of these systems involve doing good versus doing bad, and lifting yourself up by your bootstraps. The good news is there is freedom available to you, and it's not through something that has already been done for you! How can you be free from an endless cycle of fruitless false religion?
Rene Schlaepfer · January 29, 2012
Rene Schlaepfer · January 8, 2012
Examining the life of Jesus shows us not only who He is, but what He does. Rather than being a checklist for Christians, these 7 observations of Jesus' life are hallmarks of a life that is dependent on God's power. What kind of habits do you have now? How does your life line up? Are there things you wish were different?
Rene Schlaepfer · December 25, 2011
The birth of Jesus changed history forever, but as we recount it, it is easy to overlook who the participants were: regular everyday folks. Out of all the people that God to make the announcement to, He chose shepherds on a hill. Why do it this way, and what does this mean for us?
Rene Schlaepfer · December 18, 2011
Every year Twin Lakes Church puts on a spectacular celebration of Jesus' birth at our Christmas Concert. Over 15,000 people attended this year to witness a live orchestra, choir, ballet dancers, rock guitars, 20-foot puppets, and more!
Rene Schlaepfer · December 11, 2011
There's no way to know what might happen tomorrow. But nothing surprises God! When Joseph found out Mary was pregnant, his whole world was turned upside down. But his response informs our own lives. How can we align our hearts with God's, being willingly obedient to what He wants to do in our lives?