
Mark Spurlock · April 22, 2012
Did Jesus really claim to be God? Is Jesus the only way to God? If so, how can Christians be so confident about it?
Mr. Paul Spurlock · April 15, 2012
Why is there evil and suffering? Is it real, or just a figment of our imagination or perception? And if there is evil in the world, how can a good and loving God allow any of it?
Rene Schlaepfer · April 8, 2012
Who were the "cave dwellers" of the Bible? Several people literally hid in caves for a time, driven there by grief, failure, hopelessness, or fear. What turned them around and freed them from the dark places they'd been living in? Can it happen for you too?
Rene Schlaepfer · April 6, 2012
This contemplative and powerful service recollects the greatest sacrifice ever made: Jesus Christ, dying on the cross to save the world.
Rene Schlaepfer · April 1, 2012
The story of Palm Sunday might be something you remember from childhood: Jesus rides in on a donkey to the cheers of people — who call for his execution within days. How did this complete change in attitude happen? What really happened that day in Jerusalem, 2000 years ago?
Mark Spurlock · March 25, 2012
What does it mean to be a Christian? Is it that you once said a prayer? Is it your church attendance record? Is it the amount of money you've donated or the time you've served? Life as a Christian is much more -- and much simpler -- than all of that. For those who have forgotten, you were once separated from God, but God restored your relationship with Him through the sacrifice of Jesus. Through that truth, you can truly be set free for life!
Rene Schlaepfer · March 18, 2012
What's the most important thing you need to do today? Now ask yourself: will it matter 100 years from now? Our lives are filled with an agenda of things to do, but Christians should have just one goal in mind above all others. What is that goal? And are you living a life that puts the first things first?
Mark Spurlock · March 11, 2012
What is prayer? For some, it's like the pledge of allegiance: majestic words for special occasions. For others, it's a wish list: gimme gimme gimme! But prayer is something God wants us to engage in, and at the heart of prayer is knowing Whom it is you are talking with. Have you relegated prayer to some corner of your life -- before meals, for example -- or is there something more you have yet to experience?
Rene Schlaepfer · March 4, 2012
What are your relationships like? For most people, there's a complicated answer. Wives and husbands, parents and children, bosses and employees -- there are power struggles, issues of respect, expectations, and lots of room for drama! How can the grace that God has demonstrated towards you be lived out in your earthly relationships? Is it possible to live like Jesus, showing people the kind of love He already has for you?
Rene Schlaepfer · February 26, 2012
Bad habits. Addictions. Chronic behavior issues. Are you battling any of these? It's easy to fall into negative patterns in our lives. Sometimes it seems there can't be a way out! But God is in the business of restoration, and there IS an escape hatch waiting for you. How can you be set free from the things you struggle with the most? And how can you begin to focus on "do" rather than "don't"?