
Rene Schlaepfer · October 2, 2011
What is God like? How have you imagined who God is? Isaiah wrote that we can't really compare God to anything, but we can know what He's decided to reveal about His character. And what that is may surprise you....
Rene Schlaepfer · September 25, 2011
Unsatisfied? Worrying? Overwhelmed? If you are, then what's the antidote? Trying to fix these through sheer willpower isn't going to last, and you may lack the willpower to begin with! The key to truly being satisfied might be found somewhere you might have overlooked: in God!
Rene Schlaepfer · September 18, 2011
"You are what you eat." This might be true for you physically, but what about spiritually? What do you regularly fill your spirit with? Though your ultimate spiritual condition is in God's hands, there are practical steps we can take now to train ourselves to better respond to God's lead.
Rene Schlaepfer · September 11, 2011
Over two thousand years ago, the prophet Isaiah admonished the people who were claiming to seek God, yet at the same time were mistreating and neglecting the people of their community. Isaiah said the two contradicted each other. Is this the case today? How can we begin to help others, and how does this affect our relationship with God?
Rene Schlaepfer · September 4, 2011
Mr. Paul Spurlock · August 28, 2011
Letting people know about Jesus Christ is our highest calling as Christians. Through our words, our deeds, and everything else, our lives are a testimony to what He's done in us. How has God wired you to be His "contagious" agent in the world, sharing His love?
Craig Hazen · August 21, 2011
This talk will set forth five ways in which Christianity is set apart from the other great world religious traditions. The creative method used is one which has opened doors to discussions about comparative religions in traditionally closed settings. The talk will focus on testability, grace, worldview fit, compartmentalisation, and Jesus.
J.P. Moreland · August 21, 2011
A logical case for the role of the mind in spiritual transformation, challenging us to develop a Christian mind and to use our intellect to further God’s kingdom through evangelism, apologetics, worship and vocation.
Gregory Koukl · August 20, 2011
In a world increasingly indifferent to Christian truth, followers of Christ need to be equipped to communicate with those who do not speak their language or accept their source of authority. Gregory Koukl demonstrates how to communicate comfortably and graciously and get people thinking about Jesus.