Sermons by Rene Schlaepfer

Rene Schlaepfer · June 22, 2008
After leaving home and wasting his father's money on wild living, the youngest son returns to his home with nothing, ready to beg his father's forgiveness. For those of us who have found ourselves in this position with God, it may surprise you that God is waiting with open arms.
Rene Schlaepfer · June 15, 2008
The parable of the talents introduces us to three servants and their master, who is putting them in charge of his property while he's away. They are given different amounts, and their three reactions reveal 5 principles for us to apply towards the gifts God has given us.
Rene Schlaepfer · June 8, 2008
Why do we need to forgive? Forgiveness is at the heart of our faith. If we have been forgiven by God, how can the parable of the unforgiving servant show us why we should forgive as well?
Rene Schlaepfer · June 1, 2008
The parable of the sower and the seeds is one of the most powerful and pithy stories in the New Testament. The condition of our hearts and minds indicates what will happen when the Word of God enters our lives. Will we forget what we heard? Will it last?
Rene Schlaepfer · May 25, 2008
What are you afraid of? What fear has you paralyzed right now? What shadow dominates your world view? And most importantly—how do you get free of this fear? In Romans 8:35-39, find out why we can be confident that these fears are unfounded, and how the
Rene Schlaepfer · May 11, 2008
What are the leading causes of frustration in your life? How are your expectations shaping what your perspective is on life right now? Let God refocus your heart and mind during those times when you're wondering, “what's the point of all this?”.
Rene Schlaepfer · May 4, 2008
Rene Schlaepfer · April 20, 2008
Rene Schlaepfer · April 13, 2008
On the run from Saul, alone and without friends, David hid out in a cave to try and survive the darkest time of his life. Find out how God gives us what we need to survive our own dark “cave” times in our lives.
Rene Schlaepfer · April 6, 2008
David wasn’t the only one who faced a giant. We face giant obstacles in our lives. Find out through 1 Samuel 17 what the 5 Keys to courage when facing life’s giants.