
Steve Clifford · August 16, 2009
Steve takes a look at the real power behind the message of Acts 1:8, and asks us to take a good look at whether our church matches up with the expectations and command of Jesus.
Bill Butterworth · August 9, 2009
Guest speaker Bill Butterworth, author of the Short List, recounts the story of David and Goliath. How did David have the courage to face a giant in his life, and what does that mean for us?
David Hicks · August 2, 2009
Pastor Dave Hicks explains the victory and freedom we have in Jesus Christ and how (and why) we celebrate Communion.
Charlie Broxton · July 26, 2009
Rene Schlaepfer · July 26, 2009
David Hicks · July 12, 2009
Rene Schlaepfer · July 12, 2009