Sermons in series “God Is”

Rene Schlaepfer · November 20, 2011
When day-to-day life becomes the focus, it's easy to forget and become blind to what God is doing. Here are personal, real-life accounts of what God has done. What should your response be when God does something remarkable in your life? And how can we find God in the hard times too?
Rene Schlaepfer · November 13, 2011
We never really know what's coming tomorrow. Though people make promises, our calendars have plans, and we say history repeats itself, life is filled with unexpected events. There is, however, one place we can put our trust: in the eternal, unchanging God. How does God's steady and faithful character impact your life today?
Rene Schlaepfer · November 6, 2011
Though you don't hear the word "sovereign" that often, it's an important attribute of God. Being sovereign means God is in charge and is in control. How does knowing that God is in charge of everything -- from the motion of the planets to the details of your daily life -- change the way you live your life?
Rene Schlaepfer · October 30, 2011
Theologians say that God is "omniscient", meaning He is all-knowing. Understanding that God is omniscient can be comforting, terrifying, or something in between. How does it affect your life that God knows everything about you, the good and the bad?
Rene Schlaepfer · October 23, 2011
Love. A word we use every day: we love movies, we love food, we love people. Yet the way God defines love is important, since the Bible explains that God IS love! How can you enlarge your understanding of God's love, and how will it express itself in your own life?
Rene Schlaepfer · October 16, 2011
Where is God? Some might answer Heaven, or in their heart, or in everything. Psalm 139 paints a vivid and personal picture of God's omnipresence, that He's everywhere. So how do you live in the reality that God is present with you no matter where you go?
Rene Schlaepfer · October 9, 2011
How powerful is God? You might answer that he's all-powerful -- omnipotent -- in sort of an abstract way. But what does it mean for God to have the power to do anything, and how is that relevant to your life?
Rene Schlaepfer · October 2, 2011
What is God like? How have you imagined who God is? Isaiah wrote that we can't really compare God to anything, but we can know what He's decided to reveal about His character. And what that is may surprise you....
Rene Schlaepfer · September 25, 2011
Unsatisfied? Worrying? Overwhelmed? If you are, then what's the antidote? Trying to fix these through sheer willpower isn't going to last, and you may lack the willpower to begin with! The key to truly being satisfied might be found somewhere you might have overlooked: in God!