Sermons in series “Just Like Jesus”

Mark Spurlock · January 22, 2012
The Christian life is often described as a race. It has a clear start and finish, but your life is found between these two endpoints. How can we maintain our pace, our purpose, and our course amidst all the challenges? Are you inspired or exhausted? How can you move forward with enthusiasm and joy?
Mark Spurlock · January 15, 2012
Jesus certainly displayed purpose in His time on earth. The Gospels reflect a clear and powerful mission lived according to a masterful plan. But having purpose is not enough -- even the worst villains of history lived with purpose! -- so knowing your purpose is essential. How can you understand God's purpose for your life, and how will you live it out?
Rene Schlaepfer · January 8, 2012
Examining the life of Jesus shows us not only who He is, but what He does. Rather than being a checklist for Christians, these 7 observations of Jesus' life are hallmarks of a life that is dependent on God's power. What kind of habits do you have now? How does your life line up? Are there things you wish were different?
Mark Spurlock · January 1, 2012
Christian bear the name of Christ, and in doing so reflect Christlike qualities -- or at least that's the plan! Taking a good look at Jesus reveals the greatest servant in history, yet we call him the King of kings. As God's people, how should we live out the attitude of Jesus in our lives? This is an essential question for every Christian -- how are you considering it today?