Sermons in series “Fuel”

Rene Schlaepfer · June 10, 2012
Sometimes, saying "life is hard" is an understatement, especially when things are so bad that it seems all hope might be lost. At those times of complete brokenness, what can you do? How can God help you when you're in the midst of the worst hardships?
Rene Schlaepfer · June 3, 2012
When Israel had nearly abandoned their faith, God stepped in and rebuilt the nation, and it all began with a momentous day. The book of Nehemiah tells the story of this dramatic moment, but God's work wasn't finished on that day — your life today needs revival as well. How can your spiritual life be truly rebuilt from the ground up?
Mark Spurlock · May 27, 2012
Go go go! More more more! Busy busy busy! Our schedules and responsibilities can be so massive that we eventually burn out from the continual effort of trying to do it all ourselves. What kind of load are you bearing right now? Are you willing to let Jesus carry the burden?
Rene Schlaepfer · May 20, 2012
Elijah was one of the most illustrious prophets of the Bible, performing astounding miracles and well-known to all. Yet when he felt burned out, he fell apart, even to the point of wanting to die! How did God refuel him and bring him back? And if you're feeling like Elijah did, how can you be re-energized by God's power?