Sermons by Rene Schlaepfer

Rene Schlaepfer · September 11, 2011
Over two thousand years ago, the prophet Isaiah admonished the people who were claiming to seek God, yet at the same time were mistreating and neglecting the people of their community. Isaiah said the two contradicted each other. Is this the case today? How can we begin to help others, and how does this affect our relationship with God?
Rene Schlaepfer · September 4, 2011
Rene Schlaepfer · July 24, 2011
Burdened with a vision of a tumultuous future, the prophet Daniel was frightened and worried. And we can get the same way, watching the world fall apart around us. Yet God knows how it all will end and guarantees that all will be well. What is your view of the end? Are you assured of God's providence in your life?
Rene Schlaepfer · July 17, 2011
Life isn't easy. And though comfort can become our greatest goal, that isn't the call of the Christian life. It takes a lot of courage to glorify God in a world that doesn't want to. How can you become courageous in the face of daunting circumstances?
Rene Schlaepfer · July 10, 2011
It was the end of the Babylonian empire, and the writing was on the wall -- literally! Ignoring God's warnings, the empire collapsed. It's one thing to look at this as ancient history, but is it possible that God is putting up warning signs in your own life? How can we keep our eyes open to God's warning labels in our live?
Rene Schlaepfer · July 3, 2011
What is your view of God? Do you believe He's in control, or, if you're honest, do you sometimes think you're the one calling the shots? If you find yourself trying to sit on God's throne -- just like a certain king in the book of Daniel -- you might be surprised at what happens next.
Rene Schlaepfer · June 26, 2011
It's a famous story: out of devotion to God, three men wouldn't bow down to the Babylonian king. Thrown into a blazing fire, they were miraculously saved! But this story wasn't unique; persecution of Christians has increased over the years. In the western world, our own adversity usually isn't as dramatic, but our calling to honor God is the same. How can we be unwavering in our faith in Jesus Christ in a world that is becoming increasingly intolerant?
Rene Schlaepfer · June 12, 2011
In a culture where we can make a lot of choices to suit our tastes, it's easy to fall into the illusion that we're in total control of our lives. And though it's true that there are some things we can control, the truth is God is really the One in charge! What exactly can we control, and how can we learn to yield to the One who knows better than we do? We'll take a chapter from Daniel's life and find out.
Rene Schlaepfer · June 5, 2011
In the sixth century B.C., Daniel lived an extraordinary life amidst very challenging circumstances. In your own life, do you sometimes give up when the going gets tough? How can you have the same sort of strong faith that stands up in the face of adversity?
Rene Schlaepfer · May 22, 2011
When things are bleak and we feel alone, life can seem hopeless and the future uncertain. Yet God brought you to this moment through many other dark times already. Can God's deeds of yesterday influence our present, giving us hope and strengthening our faith?