Sermons by Rene Schlaepfer

Rene Schlaepfer · May 8, 2011
Whether we want it or not, change is inevitable in our lives. The constant ups and downs we go through can tempt us to be fearful, stressed out, or even numb. But just as fixing our eyes on a distant object can keep us from getting dizzy, keeping our hearts and minds centered on God changes our outlook and attitude. How can we do this?
Rene Schlaepfer · April 24, 2011
As we look back on biblical history, we often think of the people we read about as perfect saints, entirely unlike us. But these people started off just like us, flawed in all the same ways, and they needed Jesus to effect any change in their lives. Do you need this kind of transformative power in your life now? Do you think that Jesus is capable of turning your life around?
Rene Schlaepfer · April 17, 2011
A thousand years before the crucifixion, a song was written by King David. Psalm 22 tells the story that would be fulfilled in Jesus Christ. How does this astounding prophecy affect your life today?
Rene Schlaepfer · April 10, 2011
God created everything we can see: the earth, the stars, and every living thing. It's a wondrous fact, and likewise fill us with wonder when we marvel at what He's made. But here's an even more amazing fact: God created you, knows you, and what's more, He loves you!
Rene Schlaepfer · March 27, 2011
In almost every story, the bad guy loses and the good guy wins. But in real life, that isn't always the case. When we lose out while the bad guy wins, it can lead to a bitterness, hatred, or something worse. How can we keep a positive perspective when it seems like justice isn't being served? Will God ever set right the wrongs of the world?
Rene Schlaepfer · March 20, 2011
The waiting place: everyone has to go there at some point! Whether we're waiting for a diagnosis, or a paycheck, or change in life, it can be hard to endure. Since waiting is inevitably part of our lives, how can we purposefully wait with hope, even in the darkest situations?
Rene Schlaepfer · March 13, 2011
One of the most desperate moments in Scripture is captured in Psalm 51. Written from a place of deep despair and brokenness over his sin, David pours out his heart to God. In your own life, what do you do when you know you've broken God's heart? When you realize that you're responsible for what's gone wrong, how can things be turned around?
Rene Schlaepfer · March 6, 2011
It's a hard fact to admit, but it's true: We're not really in control as much as we'd like to think. Yet often we think that if we don't keep the plates spinning, they're going to crash. And so we worry -- the exact thing that Jesus commands us not to do! How can our perspective change about who's in control? How can we learn to trust the One who is?
Rene Schlaepfer · February 20, 2011
Someone said, “Your life is a gift from God. What you do with it is your gift to God.” Learn how to enjoy every single moment as the precious gift it is, and how to make it count toward something meaningful and eternal.
Rene Schlaepfer · February 13, 2011
Everyone desires to leave a lasting imprint in life – a legacy to be remembered, a life that made a difference. How can you learn to leave a legacy of love?