Sermons by Mark Spurlock

Mark Spurlock · March 29, 2013
Mark Spurlock · March 10, 2013
You might have hundreds of "friends" on your social networks, but what is a true friend really like? How about on your end — how are you treating the people you call your friends? Is there more to friendship than we might think?
Mark Spurlock · November 25, 2012
Mark Spurlock · July 1, 2012
It's no small thing to be accepted by God, adopted into His family. And being part of that family means we also have an inheritance. What exactly is that inheritance, and how can it change our lives? What are the rights and responsibilities of being chosen by God?
Mark Spurlock · May 27, 2012
Go go go! More more more! Busy busy busy! Our schedules and responsibilities can be so massive that we eventually burn out from the continual effort of trying to do it all ourselves. What kind of load are you bearing right now? Are you willing to let Jesus carry the burden?