Sermons by Mark Spurlock

Mark Spurlock · April 22, 2012
Did Jesus really claim to be God? Is Jesus the only way to God? If so, how can Christians be so confident about it?
Mark Spurlock · March 25, 2012
What does it mean to be a Christian? Is it that you once said a prayer? Is it your church attendance record? Is it the amount of money you've donated or the time you've served? Life as a Christian is much more -- and much simpler -- than all of that. For those who have forgotten, you were once separated from God, but God restored your relationship with Him through the sacrifice of Jesus. Through that truth, you can truly be set free for life!
Mark Spurlock · March 11, 2012
What is prayer? For some, it's like the pledge of allegiance: majestic words for special occasions. For others, it's a wish list: gimme gimme gimme! But prayer is something God wants us to engage in, and at the heart of prayer is knowing Whom it is you are talking with. Have you relegated prayer to some corner of your life -- before meals, for example -- or is there something more you have yet to experience?
Mark Spurlock · January 22, 2012
The Christian life is often described as a race. It has a clear start and finish, but your life is found between these two endpoints. How can we maintain our pace, our purpose, and our course amidst all the challenges? Are you inspired or exhausted? How can you move forward with enthusiasm and joy?
Mark Spurlock · January 15, 2012
Jesus certainly displayed purpose in His time on earth. The Gospels reflect a clear and powerful mission lived according to a masterful plan. But having purpose is not enough -- even the worst villains of history lived with purpose! -- so knowing your purpose is essential. How can you understand God's purpose for your life, and how will you live it out?
Mark Spurlock · January 1, 2012
Christian bear the name of Christ, and in doing so reflect Christlike qualities -- or at least that's the plan! Taking a good look at Jesus reveals the greatest servant in history, yet we call him the King of kings. As God's people, how should we live out the attitude of Jesus in our lives? This is an essential question for every Christian -- how are you considering it today?
Mark Spurlock · December 4, 2011
How do you perceive God? Have you put limits on what He can do? Two thousand years ago, a young woman named Mary was called to the impossible. How does her attitude and reaction relate to our own response to God?
Mark Spurlock · November 27, 2011
The title says it all: Life often doesn't turn out the way we plan. We choose a place to live, a spouse, a school or a job, and we have expectations that aren't always met. This happened to one particular couple in the Bible in an event that changed everything. What will you do the next time the unexpected happens?
Mark Spurlock · May 29, 2011
We live in a culture that gives high regard for being self-sufficient. We admire the self-made man. This can creep into our faith as well, where we put our own righteousness above the righteousness of Christ. How can we fully trust in Jesus? And how do we learn to disregard anything that might compete with Him?
Mark Spurlock · May 1, 2011
We all put our faith in something: family, a job, ourselves, or even the church. But quite often we end up disappointed when that something lets us down. The Bible says the only place to put our trust is in God. What if we're not sure that God can be trusted? How do we learn to do that?