Sermons by Mark Spurlock

Mark Spurlock · April 3, 2011
God is holy, perfect, eternal, just and merciful. He created you and has given Jesus Christ to save you. So why doesn't everyone worship Him? And specifically, how are you responding to Him?
Mark Spurlock · February 27, 2011
When life gets dark, God can seem far away and silent. Sometimes, we honestly wonder if He's listening to our cries at all. Yet even in the darkest times, God is reassuringly there. This honest look at Psalm 6 delves into the very real times like this, when trusting God can be challenging -- yet it is the most vital thing we have.
Mark Spurlock · October 31, 2010
Mark Spurlock · August 22, 2010
As anyone who’s ever watched “The Ten Commandments” will attest, Moses was a hero! But he didn’t start out that way. Born a slave, condemned to death as a baby, Moses had all the cards stacked against him. Yet God chose Moses to be the first teacher of His people. How can Moses’ story of unlikely heroism apply to your life today?
Mark Spurlock · July 25, 2010
Jesus called him “The Rock” and he performed miracles in the book of Acts, but Peter wasn’t always at the top of his game. In fact, at times Peter failed miserably! But God specializes in turning failure into fantastic, and can do the same with you!
Mark Spurlock · April 11, 2010
What was the pattern of Jesus' life throughout the Gospels? And how do we live with the same kind of purpose in our own lives as we follow Him?
Mark Spurlock · February 28, 2010
Temptation strikes! What will your response be? Whether it's a bad habit you've continually struggled with, or an opportunity to respond to something in a way that you'll regret later, temptation will rear its ugly head. So how will you react next time this happens? And what exactly is God's role in all of this?
Mark Spurlock · January 10, 2010
What's the secret to having a great relationship? What are the principles behind God's relationship with us, and how do those affect our relationships with each other?
Mark Spurlock · January 3, 2010
If you have faith in anything, what is that faith based on? Past experience? Trust in someone's promises? The character of the person who made the promises? For those who have faith in God, the answers to these questions will reenergize your faith!