
Rene Schlaepfer · October 5, 2008
“Patience is a virtue” but according to our culture today it’s a vice. Immediate gratification permeates our world. Why is patience so vital to love? How can we understand the value of patience, and the secret of being patient?
Rene Schlaepfer · September 28, 2008
If 1 Corinthians 13 is the Bible’s “love chapter,” the book of First John is the “love book!” The Apostle John was “the disciple whom Jesus loved,” but he was originally known as a “son of thunder!” Somehow John was changed, and the power of that change is still available today—to you! Explore how God loves us, and how that can change your life.
Rene Schlaepfer · September 21, 2008
“LOVE” is perhaps one of the most misunderstood concepts in the world today. The Bible clearly defines what love is, and what it is not. Delve into why love is important and what love truly is all about!
Charlie Broxton · September 14, 2008
Charlie Broxton · September 7, 2008
Mark Spurlock · September 7, 2008
Spiritual transformation begins with believing, but it doesn't stop there. Although any positive change in your life comes from God, we need to actively take part in the process. Find out how!